How Many Lewd Game Jams?

Hey everyone,

Lewd games are definitely a part of gaming which I have always enjoyed, and gamejams are something which works as a great learning tool for game development. So combine the two together and you get a Lewd Jam...

I immediately signed myself up when the first instance appeared by the itch user, you're waifu... However, Lewd Jam has had twins... there are now 2 different people hosting their own Lewd Jams... and it's all getting quite confusing.

Anyway, the point of my post is to inform you lovely people that development for Sapphica will slow down whilst I am participating. I have lots of ideas ready to prototype. Be sure to look out for my entry in the lewd jam here:

However, this does not mean that development for Sapphica will halt! No... I find I get the best out of myself creatively when I am not confined to one project. Some may argue this isn't the best method to finish a game... but... I find it's all about knowing you're own limits, and finding out what helps to motivate you best!

I am on the final stages of V0.2, which is all about starting up the 3d art asset factory and finishing that enviornment.

Until Next Time

