Demonic Desires - Post Release - CHHAAARRRGGGEEE

Hey Everyone,

Now that I have made it to the end, I am teeming with ideas to get this project finished and realise my vision for Demonic Desires. I have already got back to work developing this project and want to share a few ideas I am going to incorporate in the next major update.

For Version 0.2
  • I want to have all the “Rush” animations finished for all the buildings and 10 fantasies.
  • A tab system to tab through the fantasies being realised at the portals.
  • Add more variety to the Succubi icons at the bottom, incorporating a few characters.
  • More intuitive tutorial and easier currency explanation.
  • Arm myself with bug spray and squish!

Below is a small but useful addition I have added to the building interaction. Buildings now have hover indication to help grasp what areas are interactable and help give the player more information.

If you have any comments, suggestions or bug reports please don't hesitate to let me know :D

Until next time

